We have good news to report tonight!!
We have the results from the shows in Adelaide that our 2L mum took our 4L dad too!!!
Yesterday was the Keeshond Club of South Australia's Championship & Open Shows, well Dad did didn't do too well at the Championship show, BUT Uncle Hazard & Aunty Tayla, did well, they both got reserve best boy & girl.
Then at the open show, OUR 4L Dad, did us proud, he won Best Exhibit In Show, Uncle Hazard & Aunty Tayla, won reserve best boy and reserve best girl again.
Then today at the Adelaide Royal today, our 4L Dad did us might proud. Dad won Best of Breed!!
So it looks like you have to put up with dad doing the blog posts till she gets home.
Kill the Bunny!
We love our teddy, but we hate this crate
Just lovin the Bunny now!

Playing chasy through the food bowl.

Aren't we cute!
No weights tonight, Dad can't be buggered, and we are too heavy for the scales!