Thursday, August 31, 2006

Day 28

Dad Locked us in Jail while he cleaned out our pen.. HOW RUDE!
We protested loud & clear!

Our Mum doesn't want much to do with us anymore...
Our 2 legged mum checked our mouths...we have HEAPS of pointy little sharp teeth now!
(Our Mum was wrong last night when she said we don't have any teeth yet!!)

Puppy 2 - Male - 1200 grams / 2 lb 10.0 oz

Puppy 3 - Male - 1865 grams / 4 lb 0.8 oz

Puppy 4 - Female - 1400 grams / 3 lb 1.0 oz

Puppy 5 - Male - 1530 grams / 3 lb 5.6 oz

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Day 27

First we eat!
Then we help dad clean our pen!
Then we eat our MUM'S food!... Did we tell you we don't have any teeth yet??
Did we tell you we are STARVING??

Then we go for a stroll!

Make sure you see the extra post for today after this one!

Puppy 2 - Male - 1120 grams / 2 lb 7.2 oz

Puppy 3 - Male - 1735 grams / 3 lb 12.8 oz

Puppy 4 - Female - 1300 grams / 2 lb 13.4 oz

Puppy 5 - Male - 1430 grams / 3 lb 2.2 oz

Day 27 Extra Special Edition

A few extra pictures today of the babies!
Puppy 2 - Male

Puppy 3 - Male

Puppy 4 - Female

Puppy 5 - Male

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Day 26

We don't have good news to report today.
Late last night Puppy 1 - Male was taken to the emergency vet centre here and we are heartbroken to report that he has gone to the rainbow bridge.
At this time we do not know what the cause is, we have arranged a post mortum and we will report more details, when and if they come to hand.
This is one of the hardest parts of being a breeder.
We shed our tears and try to move on. It has been a very long day today.

PLAY TIME - Time for our early evening sillies!

A true keeshond.... to PLAY or to EAT... this is the question!

Food usually ALWAYS wins out!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Day 25

Help is always nice... however sometimes too much help is not a good thing!

Official warning... The Grandmother of these babies is a MOCKIE KILLER!
Play time!
My Grand Dad and My Dad both sleep just like this!
Puppy 1 - Male - 990 grams / 2 lb 2.8 oz
Puppy 2 - Male - 992 grams / 2 lb 2.8 oz
Puppy 3 - Male - 1595 grams / 3 lb 7.6 oz
Puppy 4 - Female - 1165 grams / 2 lb 8.8 oz
Puppy 5 - Male - 1325 grams / 2 lb 14.2 oz

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Day 24

Another meal... well sort of!
We try hard to get in IN our tummies... we end up with more ON us!

We are starting to play with each other now! Complete with growlies and barks!

Very bored of being weighed every night!... not gonna fit in here very much longer anyhow!!

Puppy 1 - Male - 880 grams / 1 lb 14.8 oz

Puppy 2 - Male - 972 grams / 2 lb 2.0 oz

Puppy 3 - Male - 1605 grams / 3 lb 8.0 oz

Puppy 4 - Female - 1145 grams / 2 lb 8.2 oz

Puppy 5 - Male - 1305 grams / 2 lb 13.6 oz

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Day 23

We are starting to play with toys a bit more now!

Party of 5!
Our very first meal!

We don't always "eat" what is in the bowl!

We have already learned that we sleep in our bed and we go potty outside of it on the paper!

Sometimes we hang out a little bit!

Our Mum is part Mountain Goat!

Puppy 1 - Male - 954 grams / 2 lb 1.2 oz

Puppy 2 - Male - 898 grams / 1 lb 15.4 oz

Puppy 3 - Male - 1505 grams / 3 lb 4.8 oz

Puppy 4 - Female - 1085 grams / 2 lb 5.8 oz

Puppy 5 - Male - 1210 grams / 2 lb 10.2 oz

Friday, August 25, 2006

Day 22

It's moving day for us! our 2 legged mom decided that we are getting very messy in our box, so decided that it is time for us to begin to learn proper "potty"
We now have a lovely large pen to play in, and a crate to sleep in.
It will take some getting used to, but we'll get there!
This is our new bed!
This is where we start our crate training, a crate is just like a "den" and we soon learn that it is a place where we can go to rest and feel safe.
For the rest of our lives we will like the security of a crate and no matter where we go, if we have our crate with us, we also have our home!
Kinda scary coming out for the first time!
Puppy 1 - Male - 1000 grams / 2 lb 3.0 oz
Puppy 2 - Male - 944 grams / 2 lb 1.0 oz
Puppy 3 - Male - 1435 grams / 3 lb 2.0 oz
Puppy 4 - Female - 1040 grams / 2 lb 4.4 oz
Puppy 5 - Male - 1225 grams / 2 lb 10.8 oz

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Day 21

A picture taken before the bed cleaning this evening. As you can see they are becoming "messier" They are starting to eliminate more... more like big dogs now. Now the real work will start!
It must be a day for sleeping on backs!

Puppy 1 - Male - 1000 grams / 2 lb 3.0 oz
Puppy 2 - Male - 894 grams / 1 lb 15.1 oz
Puppy 3 - Male - 1405 grams / 3 lb 1.2 oz
Puppy 4 - Female - 1005 grams / 2 lb 3.4 oz
Puppy 5 - Male 1185 grams / 2 lb 9.4 oz

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Day 20

We are really changing! We can hear very well now and our eyes are completely open! We respond to our 2 legged Mum and Dads voices!

Our 2 legged Mum, works from home, but had to go out to a meeting today and FORGOT to bring our MUM inside...... she was away from us for a few hours. This will explain our little bit of weight loss today. OUR 2 legged mum just about died when she realized what she had done! We make her feel very guilty! But we'll be just fine! We were sleeping quietly when she got back home!

Sleeping after our BIG outing adventure!
Our first stroll outside the whelping box! We didn't mind for the first few seconds then started "singing"! The floor is a bit slippery for fuzzy baby feets!
Puppy 4 - Female not afraid of anything! Cruised around the kitchen area like an ole pro!

Toys were introduced into the whelping box today and seems to be accepted!

Puppy 1 - Male - 996 grams / 2 lb 3.0 oz

Puppy 2 - Male - 832 grams / 1 lb 13.2 oz

Puppy 3 - Male - 1330 grams / 2 lb 14.4 oz

Puppy 4 - Female - 950 grams / 2 lb 1.2 oz

Puppy 5 - Male - 1145 grams / 2 lb 8.2 oz

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Day 19

We are outgrowing our Basket and we're quite like a "bucket of worms!"

LOOK.. our tails are starting to come up and over our backs!

Puppy 1 - Male - 992 grams/ 2 lb 2.6 oz

Puppy 2 - Male - 784 grams / 1 lb 13.5 oz

Puppy 3 - Male - 1385 grams / 3 lb 0.6 oz

Puppy 4 - Female - 964 grams / 2 lb 1.6 oz

Puppy 5 - Male - 1130 grams / 2 lb 7.6 oz